We’re excited you’re looking to join the discussion on our forum! This forum is private, and limited to members and spouses of the Nevy family.
To read posts on the forum, you should log in at the forum page with the user name and password that you created on registration. Then you will be able to view and read all of the topics in our Nevy Family Forum.
When reading a post in a topic, you can reply to that post by filling in the comment box below the post and hitting “submit.” You do not have to enter any tags (which are descriptive words about your post) unless you think it is necessary. An example of using a tag would be when commenting in the Cumberland Macaroni Factory topic, you could enter the word “Bratti” as a tag if your post was related to the Factory’s demise and Bratti who was the owner.
If you would like to create a new topic, you first must be logged in. Then, go to the forum main page, under “Create New Topic in “Private: Nevy Family Forum” you can enter in your topic name (of what your discussion will be about) and your text in the subsequent text box. Under “topic tags” you can enter any tags if you like. Under topic type, set as “Normal.” and you want your topic to be “open” for others to read and view it. If you click “Notify me of follow-up replies via email” then when someone comments in your topic, you will get an email notification so you know to read and follow up in the discussion. Then click “Submit.”