Galli family birth records
A list of Galli family records (courtesy of Shannen Kuzia), including Virginia (Erminia) Galli's birth information, along with her mother's, Angela Fiorato.
A list of Galli family records (courtesy of Shannen Kuzia), including Virginia (Erminia) Galli's birth information, along with her mother's, Angela Fiorato.
Photo provided by Gloria Albetta showing the certificate of birth for Virginia (Erminia) Galli. On the 26th day of October, 1898, born in the Comune (township) of Caprino Veronese, Province of Verona: Galli, Virginia.
TRANSLATION: Church of the parish of Caprino Veronese Birth Certificate There appears in this Parish registry that Giacomo Galli, son of Francesco and Giovanna Martinelli, was born in this Parish on March 27th 1868. We present this information without tax stamps for the purpose of immigration. From the official Parish of Caprino Veronese. Signed Vic. [...]