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Current Nevi Relatives in Parma, Italy
By Kristin Adolfson Many years ago we were contacted by Massimo Nevi, who lives in Parma, Italy. He had found our website and was interested in exploring the family genealogy and finding perhaps that [...]
Family Reunions
More photos from past Family Reunions can be found on the private Family Forum. Family members can login or create an account to access the Family Forum here. Nevy Reunion 1969 Western Maryland. [...]
Italian Songs
Quel Mazzolin Di Fiori Quel massolin di fiori Che vien dalla montagna. Quel massolin di fiori Che vien dalla montagna. E guarda ben che non si bagna Ché lo voglio regalar. E guarda ben [...]
Fiori di Zucchini Fritti
Fried Zucchini Blossoms 18 zucchini blossoms Pastella per Frigere (see below) Oil for frying 2 lemons cut into wedges. Make Pastella per Frigere. Remove the stems and pistils from the flowers and wash them. Gently [...]