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Giacomo Penal Certificate
TRANSLATION: The Civil and Penal Tribunal of Verona Penal Certificate We attest that in this record office, in the name of Giacomo Galli, son of Francesco and Giovanna Martelli, born in Caprino Veronese [...]
Bank Receipt Transfer of Lire to Italy
A receipt on bank-like paper #6027, Barnesboro, PA. August 31, 1921 TRANSLATION: I have received from Mr. Giacomo Galli the sum in Lire of 5000 to transmit to Prior Cesare, the leading Catholic [...]
Giacomo’s Will?
December 12th, 1926. A handwritten official letter signed by Elisa Pezzolato, which is hard to translate, but says in part: "... for the rest of his natural life..." It could be a will, [...]
Giacomo’s Money Orders from the Cunard Line
Two receipts from the Cunard lines, exchanging Lire for dollars. Seems like money orders. One is dated April 15th, 1924 for $20 for 425 Lire. The other is undated for $27.50 for 600 [...]