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Letter and Ship Schedule for Passage to United States
A letter from Antonio de Paoli, representative of Italian navigation lines in Venice, concerning passage to North America. He writes in part: " that you should present yourself to the American Consulate General office [...]
Giacomo Sailing Back to the United States 1928
From January 16th, 1928 a letter from Antonio de Paoli of the Venice office of Italian navigation lines, addressed to Giacomo Galli at the Contrada (country) Cloak Sorsei (?) Cavaion, Verona, confirming his [...]
Extra Quota
A certificate of EXTRA QUOTA from the Italian ship lines dated July 11th, 1927 at Genoa for Giacomo Galli at address: Garda sul Lago. The ship to sail July 29th, 1927 from Genoa [...]
Ship Boarding Permit
A permit dated July 1, 1927 to board the ship DULIO at Genoa July 29th, 1927 four destination New York, third class passenger.